How to Reset Windows Server Password without Data Loss

If you forgot the password to your Windows Server and don't have a password reset disk or another administrator account, you can use Kon-Boot to reset the password without losing any data.

Kon-Boot is a program that allows you to login to a Windows account without knowing the password. It works by temporarily changing the way Windows authenticates your account, so you can login without entering a password. Once you're logged in, you can change your password to something else.

Here's how to use Kon-Boot to reset your Windows Server password:

1. Download the Kon-Boot program from its website.

2. Burn the Kon-Boot program to a CD or USB drive.

3. Boot your computer from the CD or USB drive.

4. Select the Windows account you want to login to.

5. Kon-Boot will bypass the password for the selected account and allow you to login without one.

6. Once you're logged in, open the Control Panel and go to User Accounts.

7. Select the account you want to change the password for.

8. Click Change the password.

9. Enter a new password for the account and click Change Password.

10. Reboot your computer and login with the new password.

Kon-Boot is a quick and easy way to reset your Windows Server password without losing any data. It's also a good idea to create a password reset disk or another administrator account before you forget your password, so you don't have to go through this process.

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